Alex's pictures this week had a general theme for the most part: food! When I talk to people who have been to this area they all say it is known for two things, the scenery and the food. Luckily, I have raised a very adventurous eater who is always willing to try new things. With Alex everything is always muy bien!
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Last week a member forgot to feed
us so we went to a awesome taco place. They were muy bien y horchata muy bien.
It was a great week here in
Ocozocoautla. One thing that was great was having more members present in
lessons. Our area is weak at that. But this week we doubled even tripled what
we had last week.
I tried a lot of different foods this week, like Granada, only
found in the mountains of Chiapas, the cacti fruit, a melon drink (it is just
cantaloupe with sugar), y rice pozol, y a hot fruit drink called ponche. It was
all very good.
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This is Granada, only found in
the mountains of Chiapas. It is very gooey and lots of seeds. You just suck all
the gooey stuff. It is muy bien.
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The melon drink
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This is ponche. It is a hot fruit
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A meal from this week
Every time I read a scripture or
a passage the kids will laugh y ask their mom “was he speaking Spanish?” From
your question last week, I am the only white person. Every time I go on a bus
someone will say “hola Gringo”. Every time we introduce ourselves they will ask
Elder Garcia “he is not from here, is he?” Then Elder Garcia will say “ask him”. Then they do. I say “I’m from
California.” Then they will say “Baja or California”. Then I will say “California.” Then they say “OH.”
But the people we teach love that I speak English because
their kids are learning it at school. So I help them on homework because their
parents don’t know how y they practice their English with me. I think that is
pretty cool. In lessons I will say a prayer, bear my testimony, y invite them
to do something y read a scripture or a passage.
The branch president’s wife’s
next door neighbor is a less active. So we visit her. She has a six month old
girl y a 9 year old boy. We committed him to baptism. He said yes. Now we have
seven people committed to baptism: Ricardo, Lupita, Guadalupe y her sons Andre
y Tono, y Roberto, y Dalia, y Espinoza. Her 20 year old son got baptized two
weeks ago. Then there is Angel.
Well yesterday Me y Elder Garcia was so happy. We had 19 of our investigators at church. This weekend the hermanas had two baptisms. The first one was good except it took about 10 or more times for him to be baptized because he kept putting his legs up y saying the prayer wrong. The second one the president of the mission baptized him because he asked him to. That was pretty cool. Than afterwards he took us y the sister missionaries out for some tacos. It was great time with the president y here in Ocozocoautla.
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All of our future baptisms
Well yesterday Me y Elder Garcia was so happy. We had 19 of our investigators at church. This weekend the hermanas had two baptisms. The first one was good except it took about 10 or more times for him to be baptized because he kept putting his legs up y saying the prayer wrong. The second one the president of the mission baptized him because he asked him to. That was pretty cool. Than afterwards he took us y the sister missionaries out for some tacos. It was great time with the president y here in Ocozocoautla.
Love you all y miss you too.
Thanks for the prayers.
Love Elder VanBuskirk
P.S.: My birthday is next week i
cant wait!!!!!!!!!!
I can't belive I’ve been here a
month! When you work hard for the Lord it goes by fast. My mission president is
very funny. He dosen’t know any Spanish. Every time I talk to him he speaks English.
Everybody loves him. He is from Wyoming. He tries his best speaking to the
Spanish speaking elders but they all love it. He been out on his mission for 4
months and he has 3 years to go.
The weather is always changing. It
can be raining one day then hot or cold, but I’m used to it.
Tell Dylan good job with the
braces y tell Nathan y Dylan good job with the performance. Tell Caleb good job
on football y tell Luke I love him so much. Tell Nathan, Derek, Dylan, Caleb, Luke y Sparky I love them all y miss them a ton.
Adios again. I’m really leaving.
Talk to you next week. Love you
all y miss you. Give everybody my
love for me.
Thanks mom, you too. I can’t wait
to get my package y my letters next Tuesday at zone conference.
I’ve got to go. Tell everyone I
love them y miss them a ton and thanks for the prayers. I hope all goes good
with the move. I’m praying for all of you. Thanks mom y dad for everything.
I love you more than anything
LoVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!