Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the Lord, and they shall fish them;
and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain,
and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks. Jeremiah 16:16

Monday, September 24, 2018

Dylan: More Rules & Visa Trip to Kazahkstsan!

Well crazy week, not as in missionary work though...

-So our mission president has informed us that we now longer can just give people who come to the branch a BOM and show them a church video, and invite them to learn more even if they are inside the branch building, because now that counts as proselytizing. So we can't teach or give them anything unless they ask about it themselves. I had a feeling that something like this would be coming up soon, because I feel like it's been a while since they tried cracking down on us some more. Right when we started to figure it out. But I know that the Lord has His hand in this work and I believe He knows what is best. It will really count on us to listen to the guidance of the Holy Ghost and it will really really teach us to call for Him in prayer. It reminds me of this story in the Old Testament. In Judges 7 it tells about Gideon and his men, how they had 32,000 men but the Lord wanted them to know that it was God who would deliver Israel not the men, so they kept cutting down the men and went with only 300 of their bravest men, there were at least 135,000 enemy troops against Gideon’s 300 soldiers. But of course in the end God was victorious and won in a miraculous way and showed the great power of God to those who have faith in Him. Sometimes I feel like we are a lot like that here in Russia, I look around and see that Satan has such a grasp on this country and how they seem to be cutting down the volunteers and putting more rules and laws on the members and volunteers but the Lord’s small army will come off conqueror at the end. I am confident in it, no matter what else may come in the future. The members had a conference this week and talked about how the temple is already here, that the prophet had announced it, so the Lord sees the temple here, but the members just have to prepare themselves so that the temple can be built physically. It still amazes me how the prophet got that revelation the night before and announced it, not even the Eastern Europe General Authority President knew about it until GC. I don't know how it will be done it seems impossible living here, but I know that nothing is impossible when you are in the 300 army of God. 

-Went on a night train to Astrahan a city by Kazahkstan that took over 10 hours to get there. So I they bought me out 4 beds so I had this whole compartment to myself, because I was by myself, and the church started buying out the whole room so some wack strangers don't have a chance of sleeping in the same train room with you. SO the conductors thought I looked very suspicious, because I'm from America, my Russian sucks, and I just bought out a whole room to go to a random city in Russia. When they finally let me in, this military officer for transport safety or something like that came into my room and started interrogating me, but I knew this guy was only a few years older than me and I thought I would interrogate him to see if he would be ready for eternal salvation (well not really because that is totally illegal to talk about the church  or religion at all) but I started shooting some jolly banter at the military officer, and in minutes he put away his serious face and we started having a good time, I even got his number! He came in later to talk to me and I took some pictures with the guy and made a video for my twin Elder VanBuskirk of the land of Dominican Republic. So that was a way funny experience. 

-The visa trip was sweet once we got to the city. We got in a van with some of the other elders from our zone and some guy drove us to the border and back, the countryside was wild. We had to go through 3 checkpoints on each side, and the military officers would come into the vans with their big guns which looked so old I doubt they even work, and started going though all of our bags, and they found the Book of Mormon, and would look so confused. They would be going through all the pages, and be like “who is Mormon?” hahaha. And of course out of all the volunteers they decided to stop me and be yelling and asking me like why are we here? I mean I have to give it to them, it's a van full of Americans who go to some little side border in the middle of no where. The whole time I was just thinking “what even is life?” Well Kazakshtan was fun as it lasted, the officers had us take 3 steps into their country and said we could come back haha. Well as we were crossing the bridge and as the last guards I thought I could pull a quick one and take a quick pic of them because they looked so cool and intimidating over the river, so I took a quick pic as we were driving away, and apparently they saw because they started yelling and chasing after our van, telling us to stop, and I was like ohhhh nooo, not today! So I deleted the photo so fast and when they got on the van and commanded us to delete the photo, so you better believe that I told him I already did. 

-Well we had an extra 9 hours in Astrahan so we saw a sweet cremlin, like a Russian fort, and walked around the city. It sucks that there were no missionaries there because we felt like we were useless and just wasted a missionary day, because it's not like we can just go finding on the streets and try to pass out BOM are anything. Well we got back to the train way late at night and I was really glad I had 3 sisters with me so they could protect me because there was a lot of sketchy people and they would bang on our door and try to get us to open it.

-Well my companion hasn't come yet, but he should come any day now, so I've been with Elder Williams and we will send him off home tomorrow! And besides that we have been trying to figure out all the apartments and stuff for the new senior couple coming and new set of Elders, so we really haven't got a ton of work, but we got some good finding time and lessons where we could.

-Played cricket with some random Indians.

-Some some more guys fighting and wrestling with some bad technique on the street, while a girl screaming out on the top of a limo drove by...where even am I?

Sorry I haven't been able to send any pics. Got some crazy ones but someone sent me this so here you go mom;) 

Awe man, I’m way jealous of Johan surfing in Indonesia!
Thanks mom!  I love you so much!  I feel to be doing fine, it’s always har, but it helps me grow closer to my Savior.  I don’t really know what I could ask advice for, but I’ll keep it in mind!  I had a harder time earlier and I still have hard times, but now I just want to work hard, so I’m fine.  Don’t worry about me.  But Derek’s email was awesome, I’m so jealous; that is such a cool experience.  Love you!  And I can’t believe Schryver got engaged!

Gosh, I love elder Bassett, He’s my favorite!

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