Hi everyone.
Well this week was alright. First,
I ate pizza at a member’s house y at 1am I threw it all up. Then I had a fever
y had to go a lot in the bathroom. The worst part was that day I had to go to a
nearby city for a conference, so it was two hours in a convoy. But before I
left I took medicine y they gave me a blessing. That day y part of the next I
had a fever, then for two days my stomach was hurting. But now I’m fine. Well
the conference was our zone, Comitan, y 2 more. The president of the mission
talked to us about Sunday being the day of rest. Then other missionaries talked about how to be a better
missionary. It was so good, even
though I was sick.
Then I got my package from my
family y dear elders. Thanks family for my Easter package. Everybody loves my
tie. These ties are like gold for us so thanks, especially paisley. If you
find paisley ties on sale buy them because everybody loves them like crazy! My
mission leader here really wants the tie you sent me. He wants to buy it. These
ties are dangerous here! I better be careful! Haha.
Well we taught Fabiloua about the
Restoration or the first lesson y we invited her to be baptized. She said yes,
but she told us she is not married because it is hard to get married here when
you are from a different country.
Y she has a boy y a baby girl. Well we taught Tonita again about visiting church with her
mom y dad who are members, but it is hard for her. She is expecting the baby
any week or day now. Well, this Wed. we are planning to go with the bishop to
visit our investigators far away. So that is good.
On Sat. y Sunday we had stake
conference. It was the worst ever because we couldn’t understand anything
because the camera was not the right one.
It was for taking pictures not video. Y people started to leave because the sound was bad. But I
heard somewhat about the Sunday being a day of rest.
We are also teaching a man named
Ricardo. His wife y his family are members but he is not, so we have been
teaching him. But it is hard
because he has brain problems. But we are teaching him.
Well on Thursday we were planning
for next week y my companion and both had the same thought. It is so weird. We
think the same when we are companions.
This is what 7 months walking on
unpaved roads does to shoes because there are a lot of them in Chaipas. The
problem is the streets are the worst streets in Mexico because Chaipas has no
money, so a lot of roads are not paved.
But I’m proud. The scriptures say how beautiful are the feet of them who
publish peace, and I think they look beautiful to me!
So that was my week love you all
thanks for total.
Love Elder VanBuskirk
I didn’t tell but you good job on
the rope, Mom.
I got to go. Thanks for
everything mom. I love you a ton. I always think of you y I love you. Say hi to
Franky y the boys y tell them to continue working hard y i love them. Talk to
you later. Have a good week y be safe. I pray for each one of you everyday. Love
you y miss you.
Adios Mom!
I know how loved I am. Do you?
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donkeys in the street