Well the thing that was awesome
was yesterday we had 40 in church y we had 7 investigators. We had Monse, who
will get baptized on the 23 of July y we had Maria del Carmen who will get
baptized on 16 of July, if her husband can change his mind to marry her, so
please pray for that, y less active Santiago brought a friend who went to
church before y wants to get baptized on 23 of July. His name is Pedro y we had
other kids there where we will visit them. Well Maria del Carmen is awesome. Yesterday
she went to church by herself y brought 3 of her cousins. Well we taught her
about the word of wisdom y the law of chastity y she understands it y she wants
so bad to get baptized, but her husband doesn’t want to. Then we visited an
investigator named Joslen, who is 9, with her aunt named Lupita y taught about
lesson 1. They want to get baptized on the 30th. We are so
happy. Well we are seeing a lot of miracles here after doing the Book of
Mormon challenge. My president of the mission challenged us y also by doing the
21 lessons with members. We can see a big change here y we are so happy. Well
yesterday we had a lot of less actives come so we are so happy. Not a lot to
talk about this week just we are working y having too much fun working in gods
Love you all thanks for all the
prayers y love. ADIOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Elder VanBuskirk or Alex
Hi mom, it is fine. So what are
your big plans today? Love you.
Wow is dad sleeping still? How
are you? Happy anniversary!
Thanks mom. I’m just working in
the best work: the work of God. Is
there anything else you want to tell me?
Have a good day. Say hi to Dad y
give him my love. Hey, I’m taking out 30 dollars because I have no money for
food y everything is very expensive here in this town, okay?
I know because it is a mom love,
that I don’t understand, but one day things will change, in God’s time. Just be pacient. Love you y now go y
get relaxed in your 24 year anniversay with dad. Have a good special day love
you a ton Bye. love you. xoxo Give Dad my love too.
Love Alex xoxox
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We did service by taking out weeds y raking it up in a area in my district called Zapata |
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We needed to wear the shirts as a district y they say zone of Chawitas. |
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My comp broke it with his head at a less active’s house because he is so tall. |
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A Heart-shaped cloud. God is pleased with their work, apparently. |