Well what a week! Well yesterday we
had 3 investigators in church. First our two investigators who have a date to
get baptized Manual and his future wife, Rosa, because they need to get married.
Y a girl who is a member brought her boyfriend who is a non-member. Y yesterday
also we gave 5 blessing: 3 for comfort y 2 for sickness. That was pretty cool
to do a lot of blessings in one day.
Well this Saturday the 13th we y all
the missionaries of the mission are going to Tuxtla y have a meeting with Elder
Oaks again like last year. I can’t wait. I can’t believe with this transfer I
only have 5 left y time flies when you are doing God’s work.
Well, one thing cool this week was we went to visit Manual.
At first with Elder Luis Juan y his other comp, he didn’t want to listen or ask
questions y even my first time there he didn’t. But on Saturday we went over y
we saw y felt a great change in him. Now he trusting us y asking questions. We
know he wants to get baptized. We just got to help him and his wife Rosa to get
married. First he asked about the templo y about family living for all of
eternity. Y his wife was surprised he ask these type of questions.
We are working hard with the members
to work with us y love us. It is super hot here but we are doing the Lord’s work.
Love you all y thanks for the prayers.
love Elder VanBuskirk
scripture of the week: Doctrine and
Covenants 6:7
7 Seek
not for riches but for wisdom, and behold, the mysteries of
God shall be unfolded unto you, and then shall you be made rich. Behold,
he that hath eternal life is rich.
Hi mom. Love
you. I’m here.
Nate looks good y cold
I’m good y you? Hey when are you
guys going to Disneyland again? I will pray for him. Are you guys going to buy
passes this year too? Hey don’t forget to buy me a shirt there.
Tell the family Flores thanks for
the letter y also Schvyer’s family. Tell Grandma Wilber in a text I got her
letters y tell her I did get her gift card but I cant used them here. Please
when I send my big letter can you send it by text to grandma phone? Thanks.
How is dad y the work? How are
you y the boys?
Hey tell dad I will take out
about 30-50 dollars to buy souvenirs at the affair for you, Dad, y the boys,
I will probably get your Valentine’s package on Saturday
because we are going down to Tuxtla to see Elder Oaks again like last year.
Mom I know you guys love me. I’m super far away but I can
feel your love. Thanks.
Say hi to the boys and give them my
love y they are always in my prayers y dad to y his work y you always. give all the boys my love. love you bye have a good week bye
I got to go. Bye. Love you.
love Alex xoxo
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Numbers people put on the wall of
our house. It is a code saying we enter the house at 9 at night y so they can
rob us before then, members told us it is 00900 or in
other words 9 at night.
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un perro |
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Banana truck |
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Manjar it is a good rich pudding
I will have the recipe soon.
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