Well yesterday we had 4 investigators in church: a less active brought his son named Jesus so he is a new one, y we had Sister Norma, y Rosalina but Manuel no, because he was drinking with his friends after work y the police found him y put him in jail. We had a member named Yanet bring her non-member husband named Erick. They have some problems as a family, so on Saturday for the first time they did a fast for them y their two kids. That was so awesome that they turned to God for help. I love it.
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We are doing an activity with all the leaders about us working with the leaders of the ward. It was fun. I like being a leader. I always say here little by little. |
Well on Wednesday I went on a 5 hour van ride to Ariaga for a meeting only for leaders. It was fun to see everyone y learn a lot to help me be a better leader for my comp y district. I really loved it.
So this week we just visited a
lot of less actives y helped them have more faith. We visited a less active
where her husband is named Juan Angel y he is not a member. We were so happy to
find him.
It was just a week of helping
people to get closer to God. Love you all. Have a good week. All of you are in
my prayers. Love you so. Love Alex. ADIOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How cute. I love the pictures of Luke’s fort. I
want to be there to see it. Tell him his fort is awesome y that I love him y
miss him. I love him so.
I can see Luke is missing my
cookies in that pic. He looks so sad. I’m glad you miss my cookies.
Did you send my package? Thanks
for my last package. I have a lot to make up for you. Hey mom I think I’m fine
if you don’t send any more packages. I only have 5 months left. Okay? Love you.
I just think you guys will be wasting money sending me more packages. I know
you send them to send your love, but I can feel your love. What do you think? This
is what I think. You guys if you want can put little money in my account each
month so I can buy things before I go home. Just a thought. Love you. It is easy. Just put in a little
money in each month so I can buy things for my wonderful family y it is a lot
I’m great like always. The work
is going on little by little. We have no one to get baptized, but we are still
working hard together, me and my comp, with love y a lot of work.
You can walk over to Guatamela right now because there is no rain. You can just walk across the river.
A pic from my camera in the
Mom, you have no idea how hot it
is. We can’t even sleep with the AC on y it is still hot. All the members say
it is like walking in a oven all day. I hate it. I’m always red y sweating. I
just love being a elder. It is hot now, but they say in May is the rain season
y that will be fun because it is so dirty here from all the dirt from all the
semis. We are all clean when we leave the house y come home covered in dust y
dirt. But I heard when it rains here the streets are knee-deep. Let’s see. I’m
so happy to see Mexico y Guatmala everyday. Love it.
Love you. So all is good with
you? It is sad grandpa has cancer again. How sad. He is always in my prayers.
Hey, tell grandma VanBuskirk I
got her letter y tell her I’m sorry for not sending her a letter.
Did dad ever call the mission
office? The elder said you need to put a 52 y then the number, okay?
That makes me feel good that you
love reading the scriptures y that makes you remember me. That is so true. Moms
never forget their kids. I can’t wait to go home y give you a big hug y kiss.
Yes, I know, but little by
little. I got to go. Love you Mom. Say hi to everyone y give them my prayers y
love xoxoxo
Thanks mom. Have fun in the nice
weather. I will give my comp your love. Bye. Love you.
AdiĆ³s mama. Te amo con todo de mi
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