So I got
the crazy happy news that my younger brother Nathan is going to Ukraine for his
mission. Dnepropetrovsk
y he is going to speak Russian. So I was right. I said he will go
somewhere far, far away y a place no one heard of. I’m so happy for my little
brother y he will do great. I love
him so, so much. It will be a very, very, very long time until I can see him
again. Good luck, Nate. You will do great. I know y God knows it.
Well this
week was so great. On Tuesday I went on splits with a zone leader named Elder Reyes.
We had such a good day. We taught an investigator in his area named Miguel y we
were talking about families. All
of sudden I was speaking so, so good Spanish y I talk so much about families. I
didn’t know that until the Elder said, “Wow. What great tongues of language you
were speaking,” so that was cool. So we taught David about the plan of happiness
y the day of rest.
Well on
Friday I gave a blessing to a less active that was sick y afterwards my comp
says “What is your secret? You always do beautiful blessings.” He says I always
feel the spirit, so that was cool.
Well on
Saturday we went with the ward to the templo. We had to wake up at 4 y be at
the church at 5, y then it was a 3 hour ride. But we did a session. I had a very hard French name, then I
did 4 sealings to family members that I had so they let me do them y then we
did initiatories. But wow! The
templo was so great y the spirit was great. So that was my week. Love you all y
keep it up. Adios!!!!!!!
Transfers are next Monday y
everyone says I’m leaving. I hope
When I saw the video I cried y felt the spirit in his call. Wow that is far! I’m so happy for him Wow, that Russian Book of
Mormon looks hard. So Nate has a long time before he goes y I won’t see him for
many years. Wow. But he will do
great! I will pray for him!
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A member visited Guatemala y bought a bookmark for us. |
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They made us Italian pizza with
cheese, ham and green olives.
It was so good!