Well yesterday I baptized Johnni.
It went great. It took me 2 y a half times because the first time they couldn’t
hear me from the big glass, so I didn’t it again y it went good. I put him down
in the very cold water then when I brought him up he was so scared y terrified.
Then he hugged me y waved good bye to all. But the baptism went so good. The
primary sang some songs y Johnni brother John said the first prayer y then
Johnni said the last one. The spirit was so strong. I love Johnni so much. He
is such a smart funny kid.
Well also we visited Hermana Gina y told us that her divorce
will be done in 20 days, then she can get married with Lember, so after 8 to 10
it will be all done y she will be baptize in a month or so. We are so so happy
she can finally be baptized. So this Sunday we are doing a group fast with her
y her family about the divorce, so I invite anybody who wants to join.
The Andres family invited their
cousin David to church the last week y so we set a appointment y we visited him
y guess what? He invited his friend Roberto. They are both excited to listen y
So my new companion is Elder Merrill. He lives in Provo, Utah y he is the
youngest out of three. He has a sister y an older brother. He has been out 17
months on his mission next Monday y his birthday is next Sunday. He’ll finish
his mission in December. He is helping me so so much on my Spanish he corrects
me y he does a lot of practicing with me.
My Spanish has gotten a lot better in one week. I’m so happy he is my
first gringo companion. He is so great y I love him.
Elder Lyons new mission is the
Salt Lake City South Mission Spanish-speaking.
So that was our great week of
miracles. Love you all y miss you a ton. Thanks for Everything!!!!!!
So do you have names for the pray
roll for me? We are going to the temple on Saturday. We are leaving here at 5
am y coming back at 5 pm. I’ve got to go sorry. But I love you y say bye to
Franky y tell Nate y Franky good job on graduating. Tell everyone I love them y
miss them a ton.
i love you more. Keep it up Dad!
You are always great.
The meat with vegetables is meat from the stomach of a cow. It is
a tradition here.
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