Well what a week first this week
we had a Seventy come y teach us for 4 to 5 hours. His name was Elder Torres.
We learned a lot about how to be better missionaries, to use members more in
lessons because we work with them as a team in faith y love in the work of God.
He invited us to always be worthy to have the Holy Ghost because we are just
the instrument in the work; we just listen to the Holy Ghost on what to do. He
also wants us to get a blessing from the bishop or branch president when we are
new in the ward or branch to see what the Lord wants us to do to make this ward
or branch better. I will be getting mine tomorrow. I can’t wait. Well during
his talk we had a worldwide conference with all the missionaries in the whole
world. It was awesome! Dallin Oaks talked y Elder Clayton. It was awesome. Well they showed us the
numbers of baptisms y less actives y they said there is now even more girl
missionaries than ever before - that was cool. I really enjoyed those two
meetings the spirit hit me so so strong y I know God wants me here y that the
church is the only true church. Y that the Holy Ghost is always there, but a
lot more for us, the missionaries of God y I know I’m part of the biggest y
strongest army in the whole world! Y that army is God's army.
Well we, with some members,
cleaned the church on Saturday y wow was it dirty! It was sad that the members
don’t really care about it y only 2 old people came y helped.
Well I made the no bake cookies
again but for a whole bunch of members that live kinda far y we are trying to
find a cheaper way for them to come to church. We are trying to get a shuttle
for only 10 pesos because there are bikes that can pick them up but for 25
Well the family home evenings at
members’ houses are awesome. So many people are coming y enjoying it. Well on Sunday
was the stake broadcast, but it didn’t work good, but it was still full of the
spirit. Well President George gave a talk y said there are 185 missionaries in
this mission y that the members need to work with us or he will take us out y
take us to another area where the members work. He told them to take the
Well it was a great week love you
all y thanks for the prayers y love.
Love Elder VanBuskirk
Hi mom. I’m on. Love you. How are
you? I’m great. Love you.
Wow, the new sofa looks
beautiful. Caleb’s braces look good. Say hi y give him my love. Everybody in
Nate group looks weird, haha.
How many miles did you ride? Wow when are you going to do the
100? Love you. Did you finish your card?
I just sent a video I made about
Guatemala. It is cool. Did you like the video?
Hi Mom. I got to go. Maybe we can
talk more next week. Give all my love y prayers, y thanks for everything. I can
really feel your love y prayers
love alex
Love you this time I’m leaving. Say
hi to everybody y give them my great love. love you xoxoxoxoxo Bye mom love you give all my love have
a good week you are always in my heart y prayers love you xoxoxo
A Spiritual Experiencia of Elder VanBuskirk
Well on Friday I gave the second part
of a blessing to a less active member who is coming back to church. He is getting ready to serve a mission
y we are helping him with some personal problemas. But his name is Fernando y
when I gave it to him with my not-so-good Spanish I spoke what God wanted him
to hear y know. Afterwards the member who we were with said ‘Wow I never
heard a blessing like that before, y I think we all need to get blessings from
Elder VanBuskirk. He said just what needed to be said.” Then the member asked Fernando, “did
you listen to what he said?” Y he
said yes, y then he started to cry y went y give my comp a hug y then I joined
in. So that was awesome. I know when we are worthy to have the Holy Ghost we
are able to have the spirit y able to say what God wants you to say in
blessings y it is just a gift I have to be able to give great blessing to
people y answer their prayers. I have shared this gift God has given me in all
my mission. I know God is there y he lives y we should always be worthy to have
the spirit. I’m so glad God gave me this gift to be able to help others in my
Elder VanBuskirk
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I’m wearing a 100 dollar hat |
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the New Beginnings party for young women |
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our big house
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the mountain is actually an
active volcano