Well, this week we visited investigator Roberto. We taught him
about the word of wisdom y he said it will be hard, but he says it makes sense
y he knows it came from God. He
had an operation on Thursday y they put screws in his arm y we ate at his house
on Friday. He said “I think we
need to change my date for baptism to 2 to 3 months” y he didn’t visit church
because he was in a lot of pain. Well, we have an investigator named Flor who
works on Sunday y she dosen’t like to pray. Her brother Evan is a member y he his helping us out. We
taught her about the plan of happiness. Well Roscio y her husband, with the
help of the bishop, found a way to help them get money to get married y
divorced y if everything works out they will be baptized in a month or so. Well
there is a women named Karina who is not married because her husband dosen’t
like the church so we are doing a lot of visits y she always visits church. We
are trying to work with a teenager named Jordy were only he is a member y his
mom y dad aren’t. So last night we had a family home evening with them y
another active family. It was so great. We taught Maria, an investigator who
just wants to listen, but we are working on it.
In this area it is very hard to find new people to teach y our
investigators are not progressing so our numbers are going down, but we are
working hard.
Well I understand if people pay attention to my Spanish they
will understand y if they don’t they think I’m speaking English. But little by
little my English accent will go away y I will speak better.
Love you all y thanks for everything!!!!!
This is the news in comitan:
the investigators are good. Gina, David, Kenya, Samantha, and
Maria Antonieta came to church! it was pretty awesome. Kenya and Samantha want
to get baptized, they just need to talk to their dad for permission but they’re
scared.. David is more excited and he's going to talk to his dad again about
the permission. Maria is great, but she still doesn't know what to do.. but
we've seen a few miracles too :)
My week was all right - a lot of
our setas (appointments) were not home so are numbers went down.
Last Saturday was August 29, so
that means I have one year left!
Hey did you send my package? How was it talking about me in
church? I’m going to the temple on
Thursday. Do you have names for
Did you send the letters to Joy? Mr Burns emailed me.
Can you give my email and some photos to Caleb for Ms. Cercone y tell
Caleb to tell her these exact words “I love her from her science fair king.”
Did you find the church on google
earth? Our area starts at the boulevard two streets before the church and
everything from three to the air base is all ours. We live in a house in an
area called the presedentes number 21.
I will write in a few. We’ve got
to buy our food. Talk to you later.
Hi mom. I don’t have a lot of time. Sorry. There is a big thunder
storm so we couldn’t leave.
I love you. No, I love you more
than you know!
It is 6pm y it is time to get
back to work. Give all my love to my brothers y dad y tell them I said hi y I
love them a lot y miss them too. Wish
them luck in water polo y school. You guys are always in my prayers. Love you
mom y thanks for everything you do for me. You guys will be blessed a lot, you don’t even know it! Adiosss!!!!!
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The airport where our area ends
but is for the military now.
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Muy caliente! |
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The avocado that big is only
found here in Chiapas.
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