Well, we had 8 investigators in
church. We had Dominga y Rosalina y Jesus y his mom y his brother, Juan Carlos,
y a member who’s husband is not a member, y the president’s family brought
their cousin who lives in Guatemala y Norma. Well, we visited Juan Carlos y
Jesus. We taught the first lesson about the gospel being restored. Y we made a
new date for them to get baptize on May 28.
Well, we got a phone call on
Saturday to tell us the tranfers. First they told me my comp is going to go to
Tuxla as older companion y he will be with the most lazy elder in the mission.
So I asked if I’m staying because my comp is leaving y they said, “No, You are
leaving to Oaxaca as a district leader with a elder who started his mission in
December. So this will be my last area. I’m glad I can keep on working for good
in my new area. I’m ready to help my comp y district get closer to God. So yes,
we are both leaving but new elders are coming in.
Well, I knew I was leaving so I
tried to teach my comp all about the area y visited some ranches. But it looks
like all that time was for teaching the people, not teaching my comp the area.
Well, so yesterday we packed our bags y we said bye to everyone. Everybody was
surprised. My comp is leaving also, so we took a lot of pics yesterday y said
goodbye to a lot of good people. The only people we don’t want to say goodbye
to is the branch president because yesterday he said “it is good you guys are
leaving. The branch never grew y it only grew because of me y you guys don’t
work hard. It is better to send sisters here because they know how to work.” So
Anyways, we have a baptism this Saturday to a girl who is 8
years old named Andrea whose mom y grandma y her older brother are members but
they didn’t go to church for years. But now, after me y my comps has been visiting
them, they are going back to church again y now Andrea will get baptized. For
me those are the best type of baptisms!
Well that was my week. Love you.
All you guys are always in my prayers.
Love Alex or Elder VanBuskirk
xoxoxo ADIOSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Mom. I’m on. The office told
me you called them. So what did they say? Love you. Great. It all worked. I know. It will be a blast when you come! So what day are you
planning to come?
That will be great because I will
be there at the mission home on Monday. It will be so weird but great to see
you guys.
So mom, when do you want to Skype?
Sunday? To be safe lets say after 5 my time so you guys aren’t in a rush after
church. I don’t know what time, but I will call you next Sunday after 5 okay?
Because I’m going to my new area. Hey you need to record the Skype for grandma
y grandpa, okay?
We are leaving tomorrow y my comp
is leaving to Tuxtla y new elders are coming. Moving off to my last area until
you guys come. But it will be done before I know it! So I will be the district
leader until I finish my mission, so that is cool. My comp is named Elder
Collins he just started his mission in December. I heard it is a little cooler
there. It is a weird name, but it is in Oaxaca, only
3 to 4 hours away.
How are you? How are dad y the
boys? Wow, so everybody is busy like always y that is how time flies. So all is
good there?
I’m still waiting for the
packages. No, don’t send me another shirt. I just want a new one for when I leave so I can look sharp.
It is fine. They will come in God’s time, not ours.
I can’t wait to see your face on
Elder Merill’s mom y dad took us
out. It was fun.
Wow mom thanks for that letter. I
felt the spirit when I read it y I know this is true. Don’t worry mom, I will
be home before you know it. But for now we can be closer every Monday. I’m glad
you loved your gifts. So was everything in there even your bag? I bought some
new bags, different type than the last one. But I need to be careful not to buy
too many things because I don’t have a lot more money. But yesterday a
member gave me a discount for some bags. I bought you a nice purple bag.
I know. I gave the branch
president y his wife a book to write something for me for two days y when they
gave it back to me they said they wrote in it. Me y my comp were thinking, “yea
right.” So we checked every page y they never wrote anything.
Yes, I’m sad I’m leaving but at the
same time I’m happy. I know God wants me in my next area.
I just loving being a missionary for two years. Now it is all
coming to an end. How sad. But I know it is supposed to be that way. That is
why I’m happy I will be a leader to work y love my new district.
I got to go. Bye love you.
Adiós mama. Amo con todo mi
corazón. Hasta luego. Gracias
love you. I got to go. Give everybody
my love y prayers. Love you xoxoxo
Thanks Mom. Love you. See you on
Sunday xoxoxo
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The Highway to Heaven |
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The strait and narrow path |
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I'll go where you want me to go |
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Living water leading to a tree |
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Resting from his labors for a season |
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The bread of life |
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A few pics of gatos, for all you cat lovers out there |
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