19 And when Moroni had said these words, he went forth among the people, waving the rent part of his garment in the air, that all might see the writing which he had written upon the rent part, and crying with a loud voice, saying:
20 Behold, whosoever will maintain this title upon the land, let them come forth in the strength of the Lord, and enter into a covenant that they will maintain their rights, and their religion, that the Lord God may bless them.
(Alma 46: 19-20)
So, I have literally just finished
paintballing and I haven’t been home yet, so I am a hot, sweaty, mess. I'll get
into that but first let’s talk about the work. So we got one new fecha for our
noche blanco next Saturday. It's a friend of one of our investigators that went
to church last week. She kept asking us questions like, “So, what do I need to
wear on the 27th?”, before we even committed her to baptism. We now have 8
fechas for next week. I feel confident that they will all be baptized next
week, but my comp says that most likely 5 for sure. But I guess the worst cases
scenario is that we move some back a week or two. But I think if we do our part, it should work out. These
numbers are not average or anything here. My comp only has 10 baptisms and he
has been out for 17 months.
So we are getting some good work done which is surprising
because my comp doesn’t schedule anything until after 4 o'clock. Or we would go
to a member’s house to eat and teach a lesson but instead he would just play
pool for 4 hours. Then when I was like “hey are we gonna teach the lesson?” he
said “sure, if you want to get it started”, and then started another game of
pool. It's stuff like that. Or, since we have a big area, flipping huge, he
will refuse to meet with referrals that are outside of walking distance. It's
stuff like that. But what bothers me the most is
that with me he is doing so well and, though I’m trying my hardest, I don't
speak Spanish. Wich means he is doing most of the teaching and why we have
success. So, I know that if he applied himself even more he could do really
great things in his last 6 months. So my goal is to show him the potential that
he has if he applied himself more while we are together, and hope he keeps that
fire even after he leaves my area.
Ok, now to paint ball. So it was
my whole district and the APs and the mission president was there to. So
apparently when we asked the president if we could do it he had no clue what it
was. So the AP Elder Wolf, (he and I are tight, we even took a road trip
together on my first day in the field) talked him into it. The president even
called the area authorities and they said no, but if he was there maybe.
Anyways, it was super fun. We
played some regular death match for a bit, then we played some capture the
flag. So, earlier I made this super cool Title of Liberty which we used
as the flag. We played two games with it and I was the one to get the flag both
times. Because everyone else was too chicken to just make a run for it. Then we
played a tournament of comps verses comps. My comp and I destroyed every other
team. Then in the last game there was some problems of deciding if my comp got
hit first or if one of the guys on the other team did. So we decided to settle
it with a one on one game. It was me verses Elder Clarkson, (I went on
exchanges with him but not much happened,) and I completely destroyed him.
Yeah, I pretty much single-handedly won the capture the flag games and the comp
tournament, but no biggie.
The ward also planned a Temple
trip the same day as the noche blanco in the morning which is good because we
are going to take our investigators to the temple and teach them about it then
take them straight to the church building for the noche blanco.
I was also asked to give a talk
next week so we'll see how that goes.
I also have mission interviews and a 4 week training meeting this week.
Sorry, I don’t have the cord for
my camera so no pics.
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