This WEEK was wild! Life here in
Russia: there is always something going on. I’ve learned to just not be
surprised by anything. We had some crazy blizzards this week! Which are always
so fun. I've never been so cold in my life. The biggest factor is that the
winds are crazy strong and cold. The coldest wildest day most of our lessons
got cancelled so we had nothing else to do but you know just walk around and
try to talk to people, you know, to all the people just hanging outside in the
blizzard. And it's not like we can proselyte so we do is just try to start
conversations which no one wants to do and point out that we are Americans and
how we are so cool, and try to convince them that we should be friends and they
should hang out with us "in our church", haha.
Saving kids and Wrestling Bears: On the way to a lesson we saw a kid hanging off a metal shed
yelling for help, so we went to go see and try to help. We then found that we
had met the 2 hooligans boys of the neighborhood; they were the funniest kids
I've ever met. They wanted me to show them how to do a magic trick and they
couldn't believe we were Americans. The youngest kid, when walking away,
started singing the Hallelujah Chorus and I popped in there with him and when I
started singing he about laughed so hard that he fell to the floor laughing in
his head off in the snow. They were so funny. Later that day on our way back we
found this ginormous dog; it was huge and super aggressive. It was some nice
girl's dog. So we of course started trying to pay tug a war with it and I even
wrestled the beast a few times, he may have bit me once, but I defiantly had
him scared. (look at the pic and vid)
Funny Stuff of the week: So we were at church about to have a lesson and I walk by the
front door and I see this kid just standing right outside on our stairs with a Gun! It
was a powder gun of course ;) But he was just standing outside our
building shooting it in random directions and it looked real, this kid was
probably 11 years old and it made me think of something stupid my brothers
would do *cough cough Caleb. But he was just shooting it so I opened the door
quietly took a step out and said "hi" his face when he turned his
head around and it was the funniest most terrified face I've ever seen. I tried
to explain to him that this is my church and I'm American and I must have
scared him somehow because he ran off.
ALSO so on the street 3 teenagers in
front of us were walking and they asked us if we were voting next week, and we
explained that we were Americans and they thought that that was the coolest
thing ever. They started talking with us and they asked me if I knew Eminem and
any of his rap songs, they wanted me to rap one (but I definitely didn't know
any rap songs) so I said like the first line and then I just went off and just
said random words most not even being English, throwing in a little testimony
here and there. And when I finished they went INSANE! They thought I was legit
rapping a song hahaha. I then challenged a kid to a Russian Dance off on the
ice, and I wrecked him and they were convinced we were the coolest people
they've met and insisted that we go to their apartment right that instant and
have some dessert and tea (we drank cocoa). They were super cool and really
nice. We are so stoked because we have been trying to find some youth because
once you get in with one they start showing you off to all your friends, and
there has to be one who is ready to hear the gospel.
There is a bunch of other stuff I
wanted to talk about but I don't have time. But also our District President
came to church with his son this week, which was awesome because he is like the
stake president here in Rostov and he went full on inactive like a month ago.
His wife was started becoming inactive and he has 2 children with autism and a
baby. And he has really caused a lot of questioning with all the branches so we
really hope he comes back.
I love you all!
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