Well on Monday, because I didn’t
leave get transferred, we did a family home evening at Sister Lilly y her
husband, Thomas’s house y I taught them how to bake no-bake cookies. Well
yesterday I spent a few hours making over 130 no-bake cookies for investigators
y members for Christmas, so I will be giving them out to people this whole
week. Because being a missionary, you just feel the Christmas love y spirit
more, so these are our gifts for people here in are area the Lomas.
Well on Wednesday, Elder Nelson
from the 12 called the president of our mission y told us to talk y contact
everybody about A Savior is Born, so all week long we contacted everybody in
the streets about it y all the members. It was great. So many people love it.
Well on Thursday we had a 6.6
earthquake, but it was kinda far away, so only like a 4.5 for us here. But
still it was pretty scary. We were on the 3rd floor y we heard a sound then the
whole thing started to shake. We are fine y when it was done we ran outside as
fast as we could, but all was fine.
Well we had an ex-missionary come
with us a couple days with our investigators. Well, investigator Ivan we taught
about a budget so he can save money so he can be baptized. Well this week we
worked hard teaching A Savior was Born, but none of our investigators went to
church. So this week we are going to work very hard with the Chirstmas spirit y
find new ones who want to go to church, because president wants us to baptize 2
in December y 2 in January, so we are going to work very hard on it.
I can’t wait to talk to my family
on the 25th. Y thanks everybody for the gifts y love you give me y my family-
God bless you in this time of Christmas. Y have a great Christmas. MERRY
Hola Mom. You look so happy.
Merry Christmas!
Hi Mom. I’m on. Hey, do you want
to call me on the 25th at 4,5.or 6? So use Facetime. You can buy the app on the
Mac. I’m calling you okay? Love you. So who are you inviting over on the 25th
when I call? So it will be 6 for
you and 8 here for me. It will be 40 min y be ready for me to cry, because
every elder cries when they talk to there family. I’m not homesick, okay?
So how was Star Wars? y did you
buy my Mickey shirt at Disneyland? Love you.
I never got the Christmas
package, but we have a meeting on 25th with President in the morning so I will
probably be getting it then.
Hey sorry about grandma. Tell
Grandma Wilber I sent a couple emails to her but she told me in a letter she
doesn’t know how to do anything with the computer, so that is why I stopped.
that is great keep sharing the
#ASaviorIsBorn stuff with everyone. it up love you
I love you so. I’m glad you
enjoyed Star Wars.
Did you hear about the earthquake
here it was 4.5. Well, it started
about 2 hours away y where it started it was a 6.6. It did some damage, but
when it hit us it was only 4.5. But all is fine.
I’ve got to go. Do you have any
more questions?
So yes, I will call your number
at 6 there, okay? Hey wish all a Happy Christmas y tell Dad I’ve been trying to
write him y that I love him. Thanks for everything y tell the boys I love them.
I’ve got to go. Say hi to all y
give them my love. Bye. Love you y
Merry Christmas! Okay. Bye. Talk to you on the 25th at 6! Love you! Love you. Adios. Merry Christmas! Have a great day.
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The candies were from a member
named Arcides, but they got us sick.
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My comp makes the wire men when
his comps leave y he thought I would leave. It is a chef with a spatula.
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